Sunday, October 10, 2021

Start of Another New Adventure

It's been a long while since I last wrote in here, I would say about 4.5 years? Life has kept me busy with work, though I had also been able to make regular short trips over that time. 

However, as a travel junkie, it had been weird not being able to travel for the last 1.5 years, with my last trip being in April 2019, before the whole world came to a standstill due to Covid. 

But it does seem like it is starting to be a trend in my lifestyle that a backpacking trip is required in between jobs - Having found out I was laid off from work 2 days ago, less than 24 hours later, the Singapore government announced it will ease restrictions on travel to progress with its endemic policy of living with Covid. 

I, on the other hand, takes it as a sign that I should go travelling! 

So, here I am, with a lot of buzzing going on in my mind of all the different places I would love to go, I am also trying to figure out how I can once again continue with my blogging for the upcoming big trip without having to lug a computer around. 

Lots have changed in technology since I first started this blog - from having no smart phone on my 1st big trip, to just discovering that Windows Live Writer has gone out of support since 2017 (which was what I had previously used to write offline on-the-go on my last 2 trips), thus the hope of finding something that would fulfill my needs. 

So here is me, writing my 1st post for my 3rd big trip, on the Android Blogger App.

Hopefully it's going to be easy to use! More updates will be shared in coming weeks! 

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Day 169 - 170 : Flight back to Singapore

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