Monday, October 17, 2016

Day 26 : Coincidences in a Small Hotel in a Big Country

There are at least 10 hotels in Cayo Santa Maria, with Hotel Valetin Perla Blanca located the furthest away from the mainland.

Coincidence #1 : A couple of hours after I arrive, I bumped into the young couple from the bus station at the same hotel! They had taken the collectivo with 2 other people in a car, and had a good experience, and for the same cost.  I was very happy that they managed to make it to Cayo Santa Maria.

Alberto, Aleti and ICoincidence #2 : This was even more surprising – barely shortly after I entered the restaurant for dinner, a lady approached me.  I least expected to see Aleti (the girlfriend of Alberto, the “loco” couple I met at Hostal Teresa in Cienfuegos), whom started speaking to me in Spanish and told me that Alberto had spotted me as I walked in and had told Aleti “Chino Muchacha” (the China girl) Open-mouthed smile.  I had to later correct them that I was from Singapore, not China!

Everyone was pleasantly surprised and I joined their table for dinner.  Alberto made sure that Aleti called Teresa to tell her about how we bumped into each other, and was passed the phone to chat with Teresa in very basic Spanish conversation and to sent my regards. 

Alberto and Aleti are staying here for an entire week, so am sure we will see each other within the hotel over the next couple of days!

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