Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Day 116 – 118 : Cologne

Cologne was a lot smaller than I expected, small enough for a tourist to cover the main sights within a day.

Perhaps I had been tired of rushing around over the last few months as I noticed I was slowing down my travel pace and staying put in one location for a period longer than needed. 

My roomI slept in on most days in Cologne and only left the house to visit sights close to mid day. 

This is partially resulting from having a very comfortable bed in a private room in Clemen's home, located in a nice part of Cologne not too far from the city centre. 

We had a great time together, often cooking dinners at home, and staying up late into the night having very interesting conversations over good wine.

Oysters - Yum!Clemens waiting to enjoy a Thai dinner prepared by me!Curry sausage and fries lunchReibekuchen - fried mashed potatoes

Dinner with FrankFrank, whom I had met in Cuba, also happened to be near Cologne when I was there, and we took the opportunity to catch up over a dinner and kolsch (a local German beer). 

Frank ordered for me a local Cologne dish, a beef stew served with potato dumplings on the side.  Was good!


Before I know it, I had easily filled up my 3 days in Cologne.

The key sights in Cologne included :

Rhine River

Bridge on Rhine RiverBridge on Rhine River

Dom : a towering Gothic styled Cathedral located in the main city centre and next to the main train station. 

It is truly un-missable, and definitely worth entering and seeing the interiors too.

DomDSC09692DomDom in nightDomInside DomStained windowInside Dom


RathausInteresting carvings on Rathaus

Harbour : Revamped and reconstructed, the 3 crane-shaped buildings stand prominent along the river, reminding one of the history of the area.

Harbour3 crane-shaped buildingsHarbour - old & newHarbourHarry Blum

Love lock bridge : A long bridge, fully engulfed by colourful locks padlock on to the grills of the gate, by couples, professing their love to each other.

 Love Lock BridgeLove Lock Bridge

Triangle tower : 360 degree panoramic view of Cologne

View from Triangle TowerView from Triangle TowerView from Triangle TowerView from Triangle Tower

St Agnes Cathedral

St. Agnes CathedralSt. Agnes Cathedral

Old Gate Towers

Old Gate Tower

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