According to the legend, the giant Druoon Antigoon was asking taxes to sail on the river. The people didn’t like having to pay taxes, so the local hero Brabo cuts off Antigoon’s hand and throws it away. Throwing away a hand = ‘hand werpen’ in Dutch. And that was how it was said the city “Antwerp” was named!
How fun!
Arriving into Antwerp, it felt more gritty than Netherlands, and the cloudy weather that I had when I arrived in the city didn’t help with the grittiness.
There are a few exceptionally interesting buildings and sections, but in my opinion, lesser than what I saw in Netherlands.
Here’s my personal recommendation of must do and see in Antwerp :
1. Grote Markt and the Stadhuis
The statue in front of the Stadhuis is the infamous Brabo, still deciding where to throw the hand of the giant Antigoon!