Friday, July 22, 2011

Aperitivo : Sea Nochi

Tried this for the very first time today, after having a hard time scavenging them in the waters a few days ago.  And it was good!  Definitely not cockles!

So this was how we ate them…


After finding your Sea Nochi, put them into a bowl.  Prepare a plate, knife (for opening shell) and some lemon.

Step 1 :

Step 2 :

Step 3 :

Step 4 :


  1. :) okie...i should've waited before posting...

  2. Haha.. no problems! So did you enjoy eating them when you had it in Greece the last time round?


Day 169 - 170 : Flight back to Singapore

I left Stefano's house at 7.45am to catch the 8.07am train to the airport, which later required switching to an airport shuttle from T2 ...