Monday, March 7, 2022

Day 118 : Sunset Cruise and Dolphin Spotting Madeirã

Another easy day as I was originally planning to go for the Pico Areiro to Pico Ruivo hike, but I left the transfer booking too late and it was full when I looked at it. 

It was probably a good thing because I later heard there are a lot of very steep up and down climbs, and my knees may just not be able to handle it. 

Had a leisurely lunch at the Sushi Funchal restaurant, this time with 3 others from the hostel - Philipp, Johan and Mark. It was much nicer to be sharing the meal, because at least I don't end up overeating when they served it for 1. 
By the time we were done for lunch, it was almost 3pm. I headed back to the hostel to pick up my swim gear and headed down to the harbour, where the sunset cruise will depart from. 
The waterfront area is bustling with activity today, with a number of law enforcement vehicles from the police, army, and even fire brigade putting on some kind of roadshow for the children to understand their work. 

Even the police dog got involved! 

The sunset cruise departs at 4.30pm, for a duration of 3 hours, as we sailed into the North Atlantic Ocean. 
Within half hour into the trip, we spotted 1 dolphin, which didn't stay around for too long. The boat crew said it's not common for the dolphins to be so close to shore. 
I moved to sit at the bow instead of in the centre of the deck and enjoyed the sea breeze. About 15 mins later, another dolphin showed up. I can't tell if it may had been the same dolphin, but as the dolphin was skirting on the front of the bow where I was sitting, I was probably the only one on the boat that saw it. 

It was moving so fast, and kept skirting left and right off the bow of the boat.. I would like to think it's doing it just for me to see 😊

We headed toward the towering cliffs of Cabo Girão, one of the highest cliff in the world at 589m high, and stopped in the bay to catch the sunset. 

Earlier in the week when I had been to Cabo Girão for the tour, I had a top down view. It was nice to be able to see close up the village at the bottom of Cabo Girão, which is only accessible via a cable car, as there are no roads access. 
It was also a good time for a swim, as it will be another half hour before the sun actually sets. 

Only 1 other guy and I chose to swim while the rest stayed on the boat 

The water is not warm but it's not too cold either. I was mentally prepared to be colder when I went in, so it was really nice and refreshing. The boat crew says it should be around 18°C. 

I stayed in the water for perhaps 10 mins and then headed back on the boat. It was tolerable at first when the sun was out, but when it briefly hid behind some clouds, it started getting chilly when the breeze came through. 

We were served a glass of wine while we waited for the sunset. We managed to catch a good part of it, until it went behind some very heavy clouds at the bottom. 
And then it was time to make our way back to shore, catching a view of the town of Funchal fully litted up from the sea. 
As it was the last night for most of the hostel group being together, we headed out for a last meal at a pizza place, before saying our goodbyes. 

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