Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 204 : Car Rental

Niklaus felt bad that he had put me in a situation of not going anywhere, and since the boat will not be operational until parts can be replaced, he suggested to show me around Panama. So off we headed to Colon to rent a car.

The ironic thing was that we used my driving license (Niklaus has misplaced his license) but his details for the insurance coverage – something which I don`t think will be allowed elsewhere?

Niklaus on a different helm
So off we went in the car with Niklaus driving, and headed towards Panama city to get the various parts ordered for the boat, before making our way to the city of David. We finally arrived in David at about 10pm, after 5.5 hours of driving from Panama city.

Long day and more driving tomorrow as we head towards Boquete!

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