Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 43 : La Playa in Granada

I managed to hitch a ride with Juan to Granada, who happened to be in Malaga for a couple of hours, and we decided to take the coastal route which was a little longer, but prettier. 

Did a couple of detours along the way, one of which was a stop at the La Playa (“beach” in Spanish – I am learning! :D) to take a swim to cool down from the hot sun.  My first swim in Spain!

I can’t remember what the name of the beach is called in Spanish, but it is translated to “Horseshoe Beach”, and is located near Granada.  Apparently this is one of the nicest beach near Granada

Was also told that the beach is in a microclimate zone, so the weather is tropical all year round – even when 20km away it could be snowing.  How amazing!

Left Side of BeachRight Side of Beach

This beach is usually really calm, but on the day we were there, the waves were rather strong.  Juan took a float from his car and blew it up, so that we would be able to stay in the water longer.

Huff and PuffBig Splash!

We must have stayed for more than an hour at the beach, before making our journey to Granada.  It was good fun and especially great way to cool down from the summer heat! 

Would have missed the chance of visiting a beautiful beach if I had taken the bus!

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