Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 164 : Border Crossing to Colombia

Queue at Ecuador border snaking on outside
The border crossing from Ecuador to Colombia is a nightmare!  There were extremely long queues at both the Ecuador as well as Colombia immigration, and is the worse border crossing I have done in South America till date as it took me almost 4 hours to clear both borders.

Strangely, they did not seperate the crowd into an entry or exit queue, so everyone gets squeezed into one queue to be handled by the same immigration.

Queue at Colombian border
Traffic from Ecuador to Colombia
By the time I cleared customs, it was already 5.30pm.  Initially, I had wanted to squeeze in a day trip to Sanctuario de las Lejas, which was just about 20 mins away.  But because of the delays at immigration I had to forsake visting this supposedly amazing cathedral built on a bridge, and head straight to Popayan on a night bus, in order to have enought time to spend in the city and yet be able to reach Cali by Xmas eve!

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