Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 167 - 171 : Cali

I was glad to have chosen Cali as the place to spend Xmas as I have had an amazing time the last few days.  It also coincided with the Cali fiera, a fair which happens during 26 to 30th December, where lots of partying in the streets and performances and live music takes place

Cali is a rather huge city, and I guess being with the right company helped, as I was shown different parts of the city.  From the historical part of the city where numerous colonial and historical buildings are located, the Tres Cruces, River Pance, the Xmas lights up in the city centre and many others.  

Xmas light up
Xmas light up

La Ermita Church

Justice Building
Iglesia de San Francisco
View of city and Las Tres Cruces
Barrio de San Antonio
Also had different food for the 1st time, such as Cholado (iced flavoured drink with fruits), Jugo de Bolojo, and Cazuela (seafood stew).

Rice accompanianment with Cazuela
Luis with Cholado
And most importantly, I had met a lot of nice people while I was here, especially Luis and his family and his friends, who were all so warm and friendly and kind.  

I had such a great time, that I ended up staying an extra day from planned, and when it was time to leave, I didn't want to say goodbye.  

I am liking Colombia already!

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